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InventHelp Debuts VIBE-Virtual Invention Browsing Experience at INPEX 2015

InventHelp Debuts VIBE-Virtual Invention Browsing Experience at INPEX 2015

These private, touchscreen kiosks will feature over 700 exclusive new inventions available to be licensed, marketed, manufactured and more. Located in the VIP Lounge on the show floor at this year's InventHelp INPEX, the VIBE stations make viewing available inventions quick and easy.
These private, touchscreen kiosks will feature over 700 exclusive new inventions available to be licensed, marketed, manufactured and more. Located in the VIP Lounge on the show floor at this year's InventHelp INPEX, the VIBE stations make viewing available inventions quick and easy.
Tags:   inventhelp    inventions    inventor
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