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ALL-AMERICAN MAKERS Host to Meet with Inventors at InventHelps INPEX 2015

ALL-AMERICAN MAKERS Host to Meet with Inventors at InventHelps INPEX 2015

"We are so excited for our inventors to have the opportunity to meet with Brook at INPEX 2015," said Nicole Lininger, InventHelp's INPEX Director. "As an expert that tests products for a weekly television show, we know Brook will be able to give our exhibitors valuable insight about their products and inventions."
"We are so excited for our inventors to have the opportunity to meet with Brook at INPEX 2015," said Nicole Lininger, InventHelp's INPEX Director. "As an expert that tests products for a weekly television show, we know Brook will be able to give our exhibitors valuable insight about their products and inventions."
Tags:   inventhelp    inpex    inventors
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