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300 Inventors Attend InventHelp's INPEX Trade Show

300 Inventors Attend InventHelp's INPEX Trade Show

At InventHelp's INPEX America's largest invention trade show inventors from as far away as the Philippines, Spain, Taiwan and Qatar displayed their latest inventions that included a wearable purse, a skin conditioner for dogs, a tablet stand for use in bed and a device that produces on average 500 gallons of water from the humidity in the air.
At InventHelp's INPEX America's largest invention trade show inventors from as far away as the Philippines, Spain, Taiwan and Qatar displayed their latest inventions that included a wearable purse, a skin conditioner for dogs, a tablet stand for use in bed and a device that produces on average 500 gallons of water from the humidity in the air.
Tags:   inventhelp    inpex    tradeshow
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